The following are sample questions from my Written Board Review
PREP I believe it is the best course in the USA for Written Boards.
The idea of my program is to relentlessly focus upon and "tweak" the
test. This is best done through critical focus upon key words, key
concepts, old Board questions, and remembered Board questions. The
Big Blue book covers the essential information and the course
provides a way to identify strengths and weaknesses through questions
and answers.
The Board is many things but it is not stupid! The questions
themselves are usually not repeated and so it makes little sense to
memorize them. However, the concepts are repeated and therefore
questions are a very useful jumping-off point for answers which
provide the information to answer similiar questions. At the course,
topics are covered systematically, not randomly, as is the case
below. Tests (self-graded) are given and then the answers are
discussed. Obviously, this is a very useful way to identify
weaknesses in one's approach before the exam itself. In addition, it
is a very efficient way to cover a vast amount of territory relevant
to the Written exam. Trust me, it beats a lecture course by miles.
See you at the Course! --Niels F. Jensen, MD, Director
Sample Web Written PREP Test
Choices will be single best or K type
K type review:
A: 1, 2, 3 only
B: 1, 3 only
C: 2, 4 only
D: 4 only
E: All are correct